Primary News

News from the Primary Coordinator

I would like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone for being a part of our Sirius Family in 2017.

Our Year 6’s are ready to move to Secondary School and it is time for them to explore all that High School can offer them. We have prepared them as well as we can, and I know that the support will continue as they move on through their education during secondary. We love to hear how they are progressing, and hope that next year at least they will come back to say hi and tell us about their experiences of high school.

At the other end of the school, our Foundation (Year Prep) students are now ready for Year 1. I find it hard to believe that the capable readers and writers in Foundation were just being interviewed this time last year while they were still in Kinder! Parents – make sure that you treasure these times with your children – they grow so fast.

As I reflect on another year I think about the achievements, the fun times and the hard work. 2017 saw a number of new ventures alongside all the regular events that keep us busy. Please take the time to read the messages from students and class teachers and look through some of the photographs of students taking part in activities in Term 4.

Thank you to all the teachers and staff for their great efforts this year, without their hard work and dedication our students would not be where they are today. We are sadly farewelling Mr and Mrs Golcuk who will continue their journey teaching in Sydney and will also be expecting their bundle of joy. We wish them all the very best and hope to someday meet the new addition to their family. Also, all the best to Mrs Mahmood who is also expecting her second baby soon. Mrs Mahmood will be on maternity leave and return at a later date

So where does 2018 take us? Well we are happy to announce that we will be opening our third Foundation class next year due to the increase in number of students. We have many classes that are already full for next year. We will have our soccer field on the Primary side covered and we will have the construction for our gym hopefully starting next year. Our Cars and Stars Reading Program will continue next year and our elective and language classes will continue to be offered to the Year 1’s and 2’s with some of the electives including Performing Arts, Dance and Movement, Arts and Craft and Technology. Our languages for Year 1 and 2 will continue, allowing the students to choose from Turkish, French or Arabic.

Below you will be able to find important dates to make note of and also classroom teachers for next year. Students will be notified of which class they are in on the first day back at school.

I would like to congratulate all the children on their hard work this year. I wish all those leaving us a successful future and look forward to seeing everyone else in the New Year. Don't forget to rest, stay active and safe and read some good books over the holidays!

Looking forward to seeing all families next year!

Teachers for 2018:

Foundation: Ms Temple, Mrs Ali and TBC
Year 1: Mrs Rahim and Mrs Burbidge
Year 2: Joel McCleary and Miss Bastian
Year 3: Miss Canan and Ms Farag
Year 4: Mr Prentice and TBC
Year 5: Mrs Rehal and Mrs Wright
Year 6: Mrs Leatherbarrow and Ms Balkaya

Important information and dates*

Prep attendance days - Monday,Tuesday,Thursday and Friday (full day)
Prep students do not attend school Wednesdays for the first four weeks

Uniform - Available for purchase from Fountain Bookshop,
9 Dargie Court, Dallas. phone: 9351 1488

Uniform shop will be open at the school, Keysborough Campus on the following dates:

12 December 2016 (Monday) to 16 December 2016 (Friday)
30 January 2017 (Monday) to 3 February 2017 (Friday)
(uniform shop hours-9.00am to 12.30pm -1.30pm to 4.00pm)

Hats are compulsary for primary students during Term 1 and Term 4
Blazer compulsary for secondary during Term 2 and Term 3

We are happy to assist you in every step along the way. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the school office. We hope that this will be the beginning of a successful journey for your child at Sirius College.

Please have a safe holiday and we look forward to seeing you in 2018.

*Please note that dates may change accordingly and that you will be notified of any changes made

Yesim Balkaya